Josean Garcia Diaz

Josean Garcia Diaz is a Basque glassblower, born in Bilbao in the Spanish Basque country. He studied in Scotland at the Edinburgh College of Art. His first approach with glass blowing was like a flash of inspiration. As he often likes to say, “the first time I blew glass I knew that it was what I was going to do for the rest of my life”.

His professional growth and love for this art inevitably led him to Italy, on the island of Murano, where he had the chance to work with one of the most famous glassmasters in the world, Davide Salvadore. He stayed in Murano for two years, before going back to his native country, Spain. There he wanted to find his own personal way to blow and he started doing so by designing and building the furnace which he still uses now.

Ready to show his own creations, Josean returned once again to Italy, this time Turin, where he started his own project, JoGa Glass. Using his newly made furnace and the traditional Venitian Roll-Up Technique, he experimented and created colourful and original glass objects.

His workshop is not only a place where the artist works. It is much more. It is tought to fulfill Josean’s desire to spread the love for this amazing art. Thus it has become a space open to all the people who want in a way or in another to get close to this incredible material.

“The first time I blew glass I knew that it was what I was going to do for the rest of my life”.
“I will never think of blowing glass as a proper job… it’s more a passion. And that is why I consider myself very privileged to do what I do”